Association de Xiangqi en France Titled Players
棋手按照 世象联国际等级称号棋手名单中的序号 编排。
The arrangment of the player photos is based on the tags given in the World Xiangqi Federation Title List.
男 国际特级大师 / International Grandmasters (Men)
邓清忠Dang, Thanh Trung
许松浩Hua, Say Ty
陈特超Kong, Vong
胡伟长Woo, Wei Cheung
男 国际大师 / International Masters (Men)
中文名字Cao, Quoc Chi
黄永祥Huynh, Vinh Tuong
阮泰东Nguyen, Marc-Antoine
冯丹Phung, Kim Dang
男 棋联大师 / Federation Masters (Men)
齐克里Chea, Christophe
泽维尔Geremy, Xavier
奥利维Thill, Olivier
女 棋联大师 / Federation Masters (Women)
吴鸣Wu, Ming