The following table will list the names and the contacts of the various Xiangqi members. Feel free to use the search function provided.
国家/地区 | Country/Region | 棋会名称 | Association Name | 电邮/Email |
中国 | China | 中国象棋协会 | Chinese Xiangqi Association | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
中国香港 | Hong Kong, China | 香港象棋总会 | Hong Kong Chinese Chess Association | |
中国澳门 | Macau, China | 澳门象棋总会 | The Macau Xiangqi General Association | |
中华台北 | Chinese Taipei | 中华台北象棋协会 | Chinese Taipei Xiangqi Association | |
文莱 | Brunei | 文莱象棋总会 | Brunei Xiangqi Association | |
印度尼西亚 | Indonesia | 印尼象棋协会 | Percasi Unit Catur Gatah | |
日本 | Japan | 日本象棋协会 | Japan Xiangqi Association | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
马来西亚 | Malaysia | 马来西亚象棋总会 | Malaysia Xiangqi Association | |
马来西亚 | Malaysia | 东马象棋总会 | Sarawak & Sabah Xiangqi Association | |
菲律宾 | Philippines | 菲律宾象棋协会 | Philippine XiangQi Federation | |
新加坡 | Singapore | 新加坡象棋总会 | Singapore Xiangqi General Association | |
泰国 | Thailand | 泰国象棋体育总会 | Xiangqi Association Of Thailand | |
越南 | Vietnam | 越南象棋联合会 | Vietnam Xiangqi Federation | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
柬埔寨 | Cambodia | 柬埔寨棋联总会 | Cambodian Xiangqi General Association | |
缅甸 | Myanmar | 缅甸象棋协会 | Myanmar XiangQi Association | |
黎巴嫩 | Lebanon | 黎巴嫩象棋联合会管理委员会 | the Lebanese Federation of Xiang Qi (Chinese Chess) |
Currently, Australia is the only member from Oceania.
国家 | Country | 棋会名称 | Association Name | 电邮/Email |
澳洲 | Australia | 澳大利亚象棋联合会 | National Australian Xiangqi Federation | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |