1990 首届世界锦标赛棋谱
1990 World Xiangqi Championships Game Records
第一届 象棋锦标赛1990年4月1日至6日,“健力士杯”第一届象棋世界锦标赛在新加坡举行,来自澳大利亚、文莱、加拿大、中国、法国、荷兰、香港、澳门、中国台北、印度尼西亚、东马、西马、菲律宾、泰国、温哥华、新加坡、美国纽约、美国旧金山、联邦德国、阿联酋、英国21个国家和地区的49名男女棋手参加了比赛。比赛分男子组(36)人,女子组(7)人,非华裔组(6人)进行。
The first World Xiangqi Championships was held in Singapore from 1st - 6th April in 1990. It was called the Guinness Cup 1st World Xiangqi Federation Championships.
Participants from Australia, Brunei, Canada, China, France, Holland, China Hong Kong, China Macau, Chinese Taipei, Indonesia, Malaysia, East Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Canada's Vancouver, Singapore, the United States of America, Germany, United Arab Emirates, and Great Britain participated. There were 21 countries and regions. The total of participants totaled 49, and the Guinness Cup was divided into three divisions:
Men's Division (36 competitors),
Women's Division (7 competitors), and
Non-Chinese Division (6 competitors).
男子组冠军/Mens' Individual Champion: 中国/China 吕钦 Lv Qin
女子组冠军/Women's Individual:新加坡/Singapore Teo Sim Hua
非华非越组 Non-Chinese: Winston Williams